Many powder coaters struggle with how to apply a clear coat powder coating. The application can be a little tricky if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. Nobody wants rejects so here are the instructions, step by step.
Typically if you are coating with a gloss powder, the procedure is: Bake the base color you are going to clear coat over for about 50% of total cure time recommended.
Now to apply the clear can be tricky.
Back the volts down about 1/3rd, allow the piece to drop in temp to about 200deg F and apply the clear lightly until the piece has an even frosted look.
Be careful not to clump or lay the clear too heavy; it will have a tendency to sag.
Then cure at the normal rate and temp as recommended by the manufacturer.
This should give you a perfect clear coat finish.
Terry Peterson
Powder Coating Consultant
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